Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Day On The Bikes.

Bike pile

Kevin Porter

Paul Williams



Casey Barrett

Casey Barrett

Casey Barrett

Casey Barrett

Casey Barrett



Desi Jojola


Desi Jojola

Paul Williams

Desi Jojola



Paul Williams

Desi amd Kevin broing down.

Ever a smile on KP's face

This is BMX

Man on a ledge

Cody York, Kevin Porter, Lee Turner, Casey Barrett, Paul Williams, Desi Jojola

Monday, January 9, 2012

Fuck Your Fixed Gear.

These are some snaps of my old Livery Pursuit MK I. Some are from Interbike 2010. It was on display at the Livery Design Gruppe booth. It even made it into a pretty prominent Japanese fixed gear magazine. I have since sold it. It was a cool bike, but I wasn't riding it anymore.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Kevin Porter Bike Check.

 2011 Flybikes Tierra.
 Flybikes Tierra handlebars, Flybikes Alta stem, Flybikes Aqua fork, Flybikes front hub, Flybikes Classic front rim, Flybikes Rampera 2.25 tire.
 Flybikes Tripod seat/seatpost, Flybikes Rampera 2.25 tire, Flybikes Classic front rim.
 Flybikes Dolmen cranks, Flybikes Trebol sprocket.
 Profile mini rear hub, 9t one piece driver, Flybikes Classic front rim.
Flybikes Tierra handlebars, Flybikes Alta stem, Flybikes plastic Ruben pedals.

Originally hailing from Burbank Illinois, Kevin relocated to Chicago to get a taste of the big city life. After bouncing back-and-forth between Chi-tonw and Austin, Texas, he has since become a "permanent" resident of Long Beach, California. But as long as there is some good street and a warm cup of coffee to be had, Kevin could surely call anywhere home.

I have only know Kevin for a few months, but he and I have become fast friends. He is caring, giving and most of all, fun to be around. If every person in BMX, or rather, the world, had Kevin's attitude, there would be nary a cross word said. He can and will make light of any situation and I have never met anyone who lets negativity roll off his back like Kevin Porter. A wonderful person, both on and off his bike, Kevin is an inspiration to everyone he comes into contact with.

Check Kevin out at the links below.


Paul Williams Bike Check.

2011 Flybikes Lago.
Rusty old handlebars,Flybikes brake lever, Flybikes Alta stem, Flybikes Aqua fork, FIT F.A.F 2.2 tire, Flybikes front hub, Flybikes Classic front rim.
Kevin Porter custom bleached Flybikes Uno seat, Profile mini rear hub, Flybikes Classic front rim, FIT F.A.F. 2.25 tire.
Flybikes Dolmen cranks, unknown sprocket, custom painted frankenpedals.
Profile mini rear hub with 9t one piece driver, unknown pegs, Flybikes Clasico 3 brakes.
Rusty old handlebars, Flybikes Alta stem, shoestring cable tie.

Paul Williams is a well known voice in the world of BMX, but a little known face. He is almost always behind the camera, and rarely in front of it. He has filmed for numerous Red Bull events and before leaving Chicago for Long Beach, he could often be found filming inside Brian Kachinsky's The Bakery. 

Paul is a lot of fun to be around. He is extremely business savvy, but loves to have fun. If a good time is in order, he'll be at the front of the party train. I have known Paul for nearly 17 years and can only remember him being upset once, after his computer crashed and he risked losing most of his film and company data. Crisis was averted and it wasn't long before the old Paul was back with a smile on his face.  

As if he didn't have enough on his plate, Paul is co-owner of BecomeCo, a sports marketing and event coordinating company founded alongside long-time friend Luke Seile. Together, They organized and brought to life, Red Bull's DreamLine, as well as many other events.

Check Paul out at the links below.